Many of us understand what it’s like to be pulled between work, family, and personal life. One in four Americans describe their life as “super stressed,” according to Mental Health America. As the owner of a dental practice, you’re likely no stranger to this feeling. While attaining work-life balance can seem like a daunting challenge, lead executive coach Jennifer Pearce can help you and your colleagues examine your priorities and time allocation so you can avoid burnout.

As Prosperity Dental Solutions began to grow, Jennifer discovered what it was like to cultivate a successful career while maintaining a rewarding personal life. She has led teams as an accomplished practice manager, including one that produced up to $3 million. If you’re ready to learn how to attain better work-life balance through Prosperity Dental Solution’s personalized coaching sessions, we invite you to contact our office online or call us at (817) 975-4576.

More about the Work-Life Balance

Keeping balance is an ongoing process. Even simple acts like walking require continual adjustments to keep us upright and moving forward. The same is true for work-life balance. At certain points in our lives (when handling family emergencies or taking vacations, for example), we may pour our free time into addressing personal matters. At other times, our career may need more attention. Throughout these ups and downs, our goal should be to maintain meaningful relationships, preserve time for our own needs, and, yes – run a productive dental clinic.

If life is out of balance, our emotions are often the first to inform us. We may feel guilt for missing family activities, for example. This sense of imbalance can have negative consequences for our mental and physical wellbeing. While some stress can be useful when pushing through deadlines or addressing problems at work, prolonged stress can have a negative impact on our physical, mental, and emotional health. 

How Can I Attain Work-Life Balance at My Dental Clinic?

Because a healthy work-life balance is essential for you as a practice owner, it’s important to understand that your employees need the same thing. Team members who feel fulfilled at work and at home are much more likely to be productive. The first step in addressing work-life balance is to take a serious look at your values and goals. During your personalized coaching session, Jennifer will help you and your team examine what priorities are important to your dental clinic. While most coaches narrowly focus on improving a dental practice from a set perspective, Jennifer takes a holistic approach to finding solutions for your business. 

Having a dental office that is personally fulfilling does not have to come at the expense of being profitable. In fact, addressing work-life balance can be a key tool to improve revenue and efficiency. Tips for improving work-life balance at your office may include:

  • Be forgiving of yourself when you falter
  • Encourage efficiency over long work days
  • Invite conversations about personal matters
  • Set realistic goals for workers
  • Explore the possibility of flexible hours
  • Ensure that your workers are not working longer than their contract requires
  • Encourage workers to take periodic breaks throughout the day

Though change can be difficult, the good news is that it’s entirely possible. You just need the right tools to make it happen. We can help.

Balance Your Life. Call Us Today.

If you are looking to improve work-life balance for you and your dental team, we can provide expert advice. Jennifer’s personalized coaching plan can help your dental practice become less stressful and more profitable.

If you’re reading this blog, you care about your business. For expert help, call Prosperity Dental Solutions at 817-975-4576 or email [email protected].

Published On: June 20th, 2019 / Categories: Dental Consulting / Tags: , , /

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